Snow White and Rose Red (Erotic Fairy Tales) Read online

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  The next few nights went on just like the last two, one night the black bear would come for shelter and Snow-white would have the most exquisite dreams while the next night the golden bear would come and Rose-red would enjoy the magical dreams. But as the season rolled into Spring the bears thanked the family for their hospitality and said they would not be back.

  “But why?” Snow-white asked, a note of desperation in her voice.

  “I must protect my treasures,” the black bear said, “during the winter the ground is frozen hard and the evil, thieving dwarves cannot dig their way out, but as the land thaws, the dwarves come.” And with little more explanation than that, he and his brother were gone. The girls went back to their lives with little interruption but would lie awake at night, staring into the dark, missing their mysterious dream men, for after the bears stopped coming by, neither of the girls had another dream.

  Then one day as the girls were on their way home through the forest after delivering their sewing for the week and their coin purses jingled happily they were stopped by a dwarf.

  “Hello ladies,” he said, rubbing his gnarled hands together with a glint in his eye.

  “Just keep walking,” Snow-white said to Rose-red but as the girls continued forward the little man darted out in front of them again, this time wielding a deadly looking knife.

  “Now, now,” he said with a tisk, “there’s no need to rush off. Quite rude you know.”

  “Just let us pass!” Rose-red demanded, clutching her sister’s hand.

  “Oh, I’ll let you pass, for a toll,” he said, leering at the girls.

  “Excuse me?” Snow-white asked indignantly.

  “Well if I am so offensive I will take those lovely coin purses I heard clinking along with you,” he said with a nod.

  “No,” the girls said together, taking a step back.

  “Oh, yes,” he said but just as he started forward there was a growl from behind the girls. The dwarf froze, his beady eyes going wide as he looked passed the girls and cried out, “Please! Don’t eat me! I won’t even make a mouthful, eat them!”

  He pointed at the girls and turned to run the other way only to be intercepted by a large, golden bear, standing in the opening of a cave. The girls risked a glance over their shoulders to see a large, familiar black bear growling behind them. The black bear leapt forward, bounding over the girls and rushed the dwarf. As the two bears attacked the little man the girls hid their eyes, not wanting to see any living thing rent to pieces.

  When the screams stopped the girls risked a look, the bear s were gone. The girls started forward cautiously, stopping suddenly when they heard a commotion from the cave and as they watched they saw the black and gold bears emerging, a halo of light emanating from them, as the girls watched the two bears transformed in front of them into the two men from their dreams.

  “Oh,” Rose-red gasped as she recognized her fair-haired lover and she ran to him, Snow-white just a moment behind, running to the dark-haired man. The men scooped the girls up into their arms in a long, hungry embrace.

  “You helped us break the spell,” Rose-red’s lover said.

  “That dwarf stole our treasures and cursed us,” Snow-white’s lover explained, “It could only be broken with his death and us finding our treasures again.”

  “Your treasures?” the girls asked in unison?

  “Yes,” the men answered, “we are princes.”

  The foursome lived happily ever after, married and ruled over the land together, their mother never having to wash another piece of clothing again.



  Leila Bryce Sin, Snow White and Rose Red (Erotic Fairy Tales)



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